Red tape cut for retail leases in Victoria

Red tape cut for retail leases in Victoria

Posted on Thursday, September 13 2012 at 2:52 PM

The Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) has welcomed the move by the State Government to cut red tape by removing the requirement for retail leases to be lodged with the Small Business Commissioner.

REIV chief
executive officer Enzo Raimondo says this requirement was an unnecessary cost
to both REIV member agencies and landlords.

“The government
required details of retail leases be provided to the Small Business
Commissioner but then nothing was done with those details,” Raimondo says.

“There seemed to
be no point to the law and it’s a clear example of unnecessary red tape.

“The REIV argued
for this change on behalf of our members and we welcome the introduction of the
Bill to parliament.

“By removing this
requirement our commercial and industrial members will be able to transact
leases more efficiently, saving both time and energy.

“This is a good
example how by reviewing the myriad of requirements government can cut business
costs and make the economy more efficient.”

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